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Architect and Class A Occupational Safety Expert

Rottweiler Breed Association Disciplinary Board Member,

American Staffordshire Terrier Breed Association Board Member,

Member of the Board of Directors of the British Bulldog Dog Breed Association,

Member of the Board of Directors of the Poodle Breed and Cynology Association,

Dog Breeds Federation Registrar.

Born in 1969, from Konya.

Many restorations, steel and reinforced concrete constructions have been completed. (Some of these are Beşiktaş Maritime Museum, Aşiyan Museum, Şişhane Multi-storey Car Park, Yıldız Güvercinlik Building, Bulgarian Church, etc.)

She wrote the book titled 'Occupational Safety with Leyla Ayyıldız'. He guided thousands of people taking Occupational Safety Specialist exams.

He adopted a Yorkshire terrier dog named Fındık, who was abandoned on the street. From that day on, his whole life changed. And living with dogs became a way of life.

Mother of Haus Of Nicomedia Family.

Click for "Occupational Safety with Leyla Ayyıldız" and comments about Leyla Ayyıldız .



Computer Hardware Specialist
FCI Referee / FCI International Referee
Dog Breeds Federation,
Rottweiler Breed Association,
American Staffordshire Terrier Breed Association,
Member of the Board of Directors of the English Bulldog Breed Association. ​
Born in 1972, from Erzurum.
He worked in private performance for many years.
The love for rottweilers, which started with Chas Vom Haus Anadolu, the first FCI pedigreed rottweiler, continued by bringing rottweilers with very special bloodlines to Turkey from various of the world's most important kennels. ​
Father of Haus Of Nicomedia Family.


In 2013, breeder names were registered by FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) and KIF (Dog Breeds and Cynology Federation) with the approval number 0199 / FCI 58 / 2013, and T.R. It is an official organization licensed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
The meaning of the name Nicomedia; The name of the historical city in the Kocaeli / Izmit region where Haus Of Nikomedia Kennel is located is NIKOMEDIA. It was founded by Bithynia King Nicomedes I in 264 BC, at the tip of the Gulf of Izmit, which opens to the Sea of ​​Marmara. The magnificent Imperial Complex ruins of ancient Nicomedia still exist under the sea along the bay...
Haus Of Nicomedia ; It was established with the aim of ensuring the development of superior dog breeds by maintaining the international standards of purebred dog breeds, adhering to scientific breeding principles, and breeding the best examples of the breeds. By strictly adhering to FCI rules, they have produced many A pedigree certified dogs to date. With international initiatives; By taking dogs with World Championship bloodlines that best represent their breeds into their families, they have produced puppies that best meet the breed standards, with elite high-level matches. Every dog ​​they live with and raise; He became the true son of the family.

They have kept their living standards at the highest level by providing the best opportunities to all family members whom they have raised with love and respect. While carrying out this mission, their primary duty is to live with happy and healthy dogs and to raise happy and healthy dogs. They have made a name for themselves around the world by participating in national, international and club competitions with the puppies they have produced through professional work, and by receiving many degrees, cups, medals, championship titles and certificates. Their primary goal is to provide lifelong voluntary consultancy for all the puppies they adopt, to follow the development of the puppies they see as their own children, and to transfer their knowledge and skills 24/7 to everyone who raises the new generations. ​
They continue to serve with an understanding of reliability in the pet industry with their professional staff who work hard without compromising ethical rules for the sustainability of quality standards. ​
Tel:  +90 540 241 41 41 ​
          +90 532 718 12 95

Haus Of Nikomedia Türkiye ; FCI 58 / 2013 Uluslararası Üretim İsim hakkı ileFCI  ( The Fédération Cynologique Internationale is the World Canine Organisation ) ve KIF ( Köpek Irkları ve Kinoloji Federasyonu ) , RottDer ( Rottweiler Irk Derneği ) kriterleri ve kuralları çerçevesinde A secereli Rottweiler üretimi yapan Dünyaca ünlü bir köpek yetiştiricisidir. Kurucusu Yavuz KIRILMAZ ve Leyla KIRILMAZ tarafından A şecereli üst düzey eşleşmelerden A kalite rottweiler yavru üretilmektedir. Bünyelerindeki Rottweiler’lar dünyaca ünlü rottweiler kennel lardan getirtilmiş, dünya şampiyonlarının çocukları olup, Multy Şampiyon, Türkiye Şampiyonu Rottweiler köpeklerdir. KÖPEK MARKETİ; Köpek Ürünleri, Köpek Malzemeleri ve Köpek Aksesuarları satışı yapılmaktadır. yaptıkları ürünlerin tümü kendi köpeklerinde kullandıkları ürünlerdir. AktivDog Türkiye, Haus Of Nikomedia, Rottweiler Kennel, FCI, KiF, Şecereli Rottweiler Yavru Üreticiliği, Rottweiler Üretim Çiftliği, Rottweiler Yetiştiriciliği, Rottweiler Yetiştiricisi, Satılık Rottweiler, Satılık Rottweiler Yavru, Secereli Rottweiler Yavru, Köpek Marketi, Köpek Malzemeleri Ürünleri, Köpek Dünyası, Türkiye rottweiler, Köpek Yetiştiricisi, leyla kırılmaz, yavuz kırılmaz, istanbul rottweiler, damızlık rottweiler, köpek kiralama, A şecereli rottweiler yavru, A secereli rottweiler yavru, A kalite rottweiler yavru, şampiyon köpek, satılık rottweiler yavruları, satılık rottweiler yavrusu, şecereli rottweiler, köpek eğitimi, köpek pansiyonu, köpek üretimi, köpek çiftliği, köpek kennel, dog kennel, aktör köpek, puppy, köpek satışı,  Rottder ve KIF üretim kriterlerine uygun üretim, secereli yavru, şecereli yavru, secereli köpek, şecereli köpek, secereli yavru rott, şampiyon rottweiler, Kimilerin rodvaylır, rotvaydır, rotvaylır, rodvaydır, rodweiler, roodvaylır, yavru rod, yavru rodd, yavru rotvaydır, yavru rodvaylır, yavru rotweiller, secereli rodvaydır,  secereli rodvaylır yavru diye isimlendirdiği, aslında gerçek ismi ROTTWEILER olan üstün rottweiler ırkı,. Yavru rot, yavru rottweiler, , türkiye rot, türkiye rott, istanbul rott yavru, izmir rott yavru, izmit rott yavru, satılık rott, türkiye şampiyonu rottweiler, multy champion rottweiler, multi şampiyon rottweiler, rottweiler training, yavru rott, yavrı rot, köpek satış, elit yavru, rottweiler club, , rottweiler yavru, rottweler yavru fiyat, rottweiler üretimi, rottweiler yavru fiyatları, rottweiler üretim çiftliği, rottweiler kennel istanbul, İstanbul Rottweiler, Kocaeli Rottweiler, İzmit Rottweiler, ADRK, ulaşlı çiftlik, köpek eğitim pansiyon, rottweiler eğitim, , KIF kayıtlı rottweiler, köpek ırkları federasyonu kayıtlı üretim çiftliğinden satılık rottweiler yavruları,safkan rottweiler, safkan rottweiler yavrusu, anne altından rottweiler yavru, rottweiler yavrusu, anne altından yavru rott, anne altından rot, safkan rottweiler, macar rottweiler yavrusu,  king rottweiler yavruları, satılık köpek, satılık köpek ilanları, satılık köpek fiyatları, safkan rottweiler ilanları, safkan yavru rottweiler ilanları, safkan macar rottweiler yavru,safkan macar rottweiler, safkan king rottweiler, safkan koca kafa küt burun rottweiler, safkan rottweiler üretim çiftliği, safkan rottweiler üretim çiftlikleri, satılık köpek ilanları, satılık köpek fiyatları, satılık rottweiler ilanları, satılık rottweiler fiyat, satılık rottweiler yavru fiyatları, satılık rottweiler fiyatları, fiyat rottweiler, ücretli rottweiler yavru ilanları, rottweiler yavru ilanları, rottweiler yavru fiyatları, ırk garantili rottweiler yavrusu, rottweiler yavru ilanları ve fiyatları, , leyla ayyıldız, ücretli sahiplendirme, köpek alım satım, rottweiler alım satım, haus of nikomedia rottweiler çiftliği, rottweiler yavru satışı, rottweiler yetiştiriciliği, yavru rottweiler yetiştiriciliği, köpek yetiştiriciliği, rottweiler yetiştirici, rottweiler yavru yetiştirici, rottweiler yavru yetiştiricisi, rottweiler yavru yetiştiriciliği, champion, championrottweiler, şampiyon köpek, şampiyon rottweiler, türkiye şampiyonu rottweiler,  vom, von haus, vom hause,  hausofnikomediakennel, hausofnikomedia, hausofnikomediarottweilers, hausofnikomediayavruları, hausofnikomediapuppies, turkiyesampiyonu, championofturkey, şampiyonrottweiler, rotttraining, training, rott training, rottweiler training, ipo1, ipo,  #rottweiler #rottie #rottweilers #ucretlisahiplendirme #rottweilerfans #rottweilerclub #rottweilersofinstagram #rottiefanclub #rottweilers_world #dogstagram #satilikpuppy #rottielove #satilikkopek #satilikrottweiler #satilik #rottweilerturkiye #instarottweiler #puppy #rottyavrusu #puppies #hausofnikomedia #yavru #leylakirilmaz #yavuzkirilmaz #kopekyavrusu , satılık köpek, satılık köpek ilanları, satılık rottweiler, satılık rattweiler yavrusu, rottweiler türkiye, rottweiler, rottie, rottweilers ,therottweilerworld, rottweilerfans, rottweilerclub, rottweilersofinstagram, rottiefanclub, rottweilers_world, dogstagram, satılıkpuppy, rottielove, satılıkkopek, satilikrottweiler, satılık, rottweilerturkiye, instarottweiler, puppy, satılıkrott, puppies, hausofnikomedia, yavru, leylaayyildiz, like4like, köpekyavrusu, hiroshimahausofnikomedia, leylakirilmaz, yavuzkirilmaz, kopekirklarifederasyonu,




He was born in Istanbul in 1980.

After higher education
He has been working as a tire technology specialist and manager in a private company for 20 years.
He is married and has a child.

His love for dogs was instilled by his father at a very young age.
His acquaintance with Rottweiler started in 1989, when a Rottweiler named Rex was given to him as a gift by a German family.
It has continued with different Rottweilers until today.

He participates in competitions and shows as a Professional Handler.
He deals with obedience, show and competition training for dogs.
He works as a Handler Instructor at Haus Of Nikomedia.



I was born in Kocaeli in 1992.
I spent my childhood on the shepherd dogs that were always in front of our door. His first love for Rottweiler started with our neighbor's female dog when he was 10-11 years old.

One morning, when I was 19, at the traffic lights on my way to work,
I saw a black van with pictures of Rottweilers on it .
It said Haus Of Nicomedia.

After I went to the military, I took my first and all subsequent offspring with a pedigree.

I adopted it from Haus Of Nikomedia (Yavuz & Leyla Kırılmaz) couple and I learned that the content of the job is not as easy as it seems from the outside, I learned the Genealogical production system and I said that I wanted to do the job I love. They trusted me and helped me. Now, as a big family, we are looking forward to do our best for Rottweiler. ..

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